Høringssvar: Melkøya
Bellona oppfordrer Stortinget til å samarbeide om effektive vedtak i saken om Melkøya. Løsningen ligger i å la Equinor fortsette investeringer i Snøh...
Forfatter: Alexander Nikitin
Forlegger: Bellona
The purpose of this overview is to draw attention to the fact that such an important and complex industry as the nuclear industry cannot successfully operate, evolve, and gain public acceptance without public oversight, as stipulated by Russian law.
Therefore, efforts should be made in the nuclear industry to construct a system of legal regulations and means of exercising public oversight.
The overview deals only with public oversight of the Russian nuclear industry.
We have not attempted to compare the Russian nuclear industry with other industries, analyze public oversight in other sectors or catalogue the small number of decidedly positive developments in public oversight of the nuclear sector.