NRK Ytring: Troll i motvind
Bellona publiserte nylig en rapport om «Klimamyter i sosiale medier» som avdekker at det er mellom 37-48% klimamyter og feilinformasjon i Motvind Nor...
Publiseringsdato: 11. mars, 1999
Oslo, 3/11/1999
Determination of the degree of endangerment shall be a scientific evaluation
The correct knowledge of a species stock size, ecology and extent of endangerment is a necessary supposition for being able to have the justifiable management of a species, in particular where hunting and grants for culling, are current administrative features. It is a matter of course that management must be based on scientific investigations, results and facts concerning these conditions. In every country employing modern Wildlife Management, the authorities regularly distribute so-called “red-lists”– a survey of endangered species. The species are placed under different categories, depending on their extent of endangerment, and that placement is based on scientific knowledge concerning the reproductive status of the species within the country’s border, independent of size of stock and eventual positive management actions in neighbouring countries.
Endangered status provides a premise for management
The “red-list” is far more than a publication stating the status of threatened species in Norway. The statuses set in the “red-list” form important guidelines for administrative measures that determine the degree of protection a species receives. The criteria used provide a basis for justifiable decisions on culling, hunting, core-areas and so on. If predators are linked to lower categories of endangerment than that which exists, then culling quotas could be set higher than the species can endure. Bellona is of the opinion that it is impossible to have justifiable, much less, a sustainable predator administration in Norway without a sound scientific basis.
The following presents the points we feel should be included in any “red-list” changes.
The bear has been classified as vulnerable since the end of the 1970’s. This incorrect classification was due to a major over-estimation of the stock size. Flawed research estimated the stock in Norway to comprise 13 breeding stock components totalling 160-230 individual bears. Both NINA (Swensson et al., 1994) and the Norwegian Zoological Association (Isaksen et al., 1998) later concluded that the bear’s status is directly threatened. Still, the bear’s status in the Norwegian “red-list” has not changed. No known breeding in South-Norway has occurred for decades. Just one documented breeding occurred in Lierne in Nord-Trøndelag and perhaps 10 in Finmark. Worse Sweden introduced bear hunting in 1998 (female bears included) in a border area straddling the bear’s core area in southern Norway. When the rebuilding of a bear stock in Norway is dependent upon migrating females from this area then the bear’s status in Norway becomes more threatened than ever. We quote NINA’s fact-sheet on bear’s from 1994:
The wolverine in the present “red-list” is given the status of rare, while the NZA (Isaksen et al., 1998) and scientists at NINA and DN (Landa et al., 1998) have concluded that it is vulnerable. NZA based their conclusion on a stock estimate on den-identification and found a minimum of 150 animals in Norway in 1996. For the period from 1995-1997, the Norwegian stock has been more exactly estimated to be 147 (plus or minus, 25 animals), where 26±7 are in southern Norway (Landa et al., 1998). There is no development after the compilation of NZA’s report that indicates the situation has improved; so the term vulnerable is still the most correct. The test arrangement with local wolverine committees that set culling quotas has left the wolverine more vulnerable than ever. The wolverine is not a particularly good hunter, subsisting on carrion, in addition to the weakened animals it kills itself. It is therefore dependent upon the stock levels of the other major predators, which leave carrion. This makes it even more vulnerable in Norway. We quote from Landa et al.(1998):
The Lynx is now classified as inadequately known in the Norwegian “red-list”. According to the NZA’s report (Isaksen et al., 1998), the specie’s status in Norway should be ‘threatened.’ The NZA has concluded that it should be given the status vulnerable. The stock size is not well known. Stock estimates from the winter of 1996/97 showed a stock of 500-600 animals. But the lynx is extremely taxed. An unlimited hunt in large areas of west and north Norway and annual culling quotas of 140-155 animals in the remaining parts of the country threaten to eliminate the species. In Nord-Trøndelag the stock has been actively reduced in the last three years. Together with the risks of illegal hunting, roadkills and natural threats like disease and a decline in their food supply, this situation in total suggest the Lynx be classified as Vulnerable.
Polar fox
The polar fox is classified as vulnerable in the “red-list” while the NZA’s report (Isaksen et al., 1998) concludes it is directly threatened. This applies to the stock on the mainland, not Svalbard, where the animal abounds. Numbers of polar fox on the mainland are not likely to exceed 100 (Isaksen et al., 1998), and low reproductive rates even in years rich with rodents, gives reason to consern. Why the polar fox population fails to grow is not known. A lack of carrion due to smaller stocks of other major predators, competition from the red fox and inbreeding are possible contributing explanations. The polar fox inhabits the same area as the wolverine and is especially dependent on the latter’s left-overs from carrions. This is reason to suspect a polar fox on the brink: one whose endangered status should counter the political pressure for the culling of the wolverine. With very few animals surviving and a falling reproductive rate, the polar fox needs to be classified as directly threatened.
The otter is also threatened according to the NZA report (Isaksen et al., 1998). While its status in Norway is currently demanding consideration, NZA has concluded that it is indeed vulnerable due to low numbers in southern and eastern Norway. The otter’s condition, despite its survival in the north and northwest of the country, threatens it with extinction in southeastern Norway and illustrates that regional “red-lists” are needed.
Bellona demands that the Directorate of Nature Management in Norway change the status of the bear and polar fox to directly threatened and that of the wolverine and lynx to vulnerable in the revised national “red-list,” as the scientific community advises.
If this does not happen Bellona maintains that the Norwegian management of predators is politically motivated and not scientifically based, leaving the endangered predators: bear, polar fox, wolverine and lynx insufficiently protected. Bellona asks the Secretariat of the Bern Convention to scrutinise the case and evaluate whether the listing of endangered predators suggests that Norwegian predator management is in conflict with the Bern Convention.
Dr. Mai Britt Knoph,
The Bellona Foundation
Program Manager/Environmental Management
Directorate for Nature Management, Tungasletta 2, N-7005 Trondheim, Norway.
Bellona publiserte nylig en rapport om «Klimamyter i sosiale medier» som avdekker at det er mellom 37-48% klimamyter og feilinformasjon i Motvind Nor...
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